Antwerp Diamonds

In whatever you do, it’s good to go the extra mile. But when we go to Antwerp to buy a diamond for you, we go the extra 8,776 miles. That’s the distance from here to Antwerp. And when you see your new diamond, the sparkle in your eyes will tell me it was worth it go to the distance for you.
Hi. This is Tom and Chrisie Hill of Thomas Hill Jewelers in Hinesville. We leave in October on our next diamond buying trip. And here’s what going the extra 8,776 miles mean for you: a more beautiful diamond than you thought possible for your money.
Antwerp is the diamond capital of the world. We work directly with the men and women who buy and cut the diamonds. We personally inspect thousands of diamonds. We use our knowledge and experience to pick only the best out of each parcel. And believe us, we reject hundreds of diamonds for each one we buy.
Would you like to own a diamond that will blow by other diamonds in a flash? Call us, or come by the store any time. We are leaving the second week of October. We are ready to go the extra 8,776 miles for you.